We have created this series of videos and printed explanations to walk you through the process.

As a parent, if you are having trouble with online registration, you can visit any school on any day and ask for help.Īll students – those returning and those new to ECISD – will need to upload the following documents in order to complete the registration process: The Focus Parent Portal provides parents with instant access to their childs grades, attendance, class schedules, and other information. Every school is scheduling a few drop-in days when they will have staff members ready to help parents get registered. We used Focus on a small scale for prekindergarten registration, and it worked well.Īll student registration will be done online through Focus, though our school staffs will be ready to help you if you run into any problems. The Focus Parent Portal is a website where you can view information on your child such as grades and attendance as well as much more school and district. We understand, for returning students, uploading the same documents you have previously is inconvenient we believe this will be a much better online registration experience for you and it will not be necessary in the future. Our school district is switching to a new student information platform called Focus (it is replacing Ascender), and because of that change all students – those returning and those new to ECISD – are required to create a new Parent Portal account and use that account to register your child(ren) for the coming school year. Registration is now open for all students. Volunteers & Partners Awards Celebration.CCMR (College, Career, & Military Readiness).Associate Superintendent (Athletics / Human Capital / Operations).

Focus House, Ham Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, W. You can add, remove or modify your existing licenses yourself without the need to contact Focus quickly and effortlessly through this new portal.
If you currently have a Parent Portal account and are having issues accessing it, click on the document: 2020-2021- How to Get Your Parent Portal Issues Resolved, to view instructions on how to contact your child's school for assistance. Sign in with an external account Customer Login Get Help. If you do not have a Parent Portal account, go to to create your own Parent Portal account online. If you forgot your password, click here to view instructions on requesting a temporary password. Username: Email address used to set up Parent Portal account If you already have a Focus Parent Portal account: The Parent Portal allows parents to better monitor their child's progress in school by providing Internet access to grades, attendance, discipline, academic history, graduation verification, and standardized test results in a secure password-protected environment. To request a new user ID and password, please visit your school or the Student Assignment Office with a valid photo ID. Sign up to receive the quarterly newsletter, On Mission, created to share the mission with the FOCUS community Subscribe. For logon issues, please contact the front office staff at your school. FOCUS missionaries serve pastors and hundreds of lay leaders throughout the country, working to transform communities through Christ’s model of face-to-face evangelization.
The Focus Parent Portal is a tool designed to enhance communication and involvement in your child's education. For Parents Use your parent ID and password that was issued to you by your school. Special Education (Exceptional Student Education).Safety, Security and Emergency Management.Purchasing / Property Records / Warehouse.Office of School Improvement and District Accreditation.

OASIS Volunteer & Partners in Education Programs.Human Resources and Employment Information.Early Childhood Learning Center (Pre-K).Deputy Superintendent for Teaching, Leading, and Learning.Voor toegang tot jouw lesmethode heb je ook een aanmeldsleutel nodig die je krijgt van je docent. Chief of Staff, Human Resources and Student Services Als je al een account hebt kun je direct inloggen.Thacker Avenue Elementary School for International Studies.
Professional and Technical High (PATHS).Chestnut Elementary School for Science and Engineering.